Monday, August 30, 2010

Daily Bible Readings: August 30th- September 4th

Monday- Psalm 150:1-6
Meditation: We finish our look at the book of psalms with a very appropriate call to praise. The message of Psalm 150 provides depth in its simplicity. The summary of all that we’ve seen in the last 2 ½ years: Praise the Lord! After all this time spent in the psalms giving us reasons and motivation, command and directions, how has your praise for God grown? Could you say that your life meets the call to praise Him?

Tuesday – Psalm 150.1; Psalm 84.10-12; Jeremiah 20.9
Meditation: From where does God’s praise originate? It should come from everywhere. But if some of the world sits in ignorant silence, there is one group whose voice should never be quiet: his people. God has pulled us out of a horrible life and he continues to bless us as long as we live. It is not possible for those who love God to even be able to hold back his praise. How vocal is your life? Does it ring loudly about how great your God is or is there an eerie, uncomfortable silence?

Wednesday – Psalm 150.2; 1 Corinthians 3.16-17; Exodus 15.11; Isaiah 45.5
Meditation: We have every reason to praise God. We should never have to ask the question “Why?” Two things about God that should drive us to praise: what he has done and who he is. God has done so much for us. He has worked “mighty deeds” on our behalf. But really even without the many great things God has done for us, we have reason to praise him just for the fact that he is God. If our lives are not lives of praise it isn’t because God doesn’t deserve it or hasn’t done enough, it is because we refuse to give to him what is rightly his: our lives.

Thursday – Psalm 150.3-5
Meditation: How are we as Christians supposed to praise God? Simple…with everything we have. These instruments are not here to describe a heavenly band but rather to show us that no matter what is going on or where we are, we can praise God. From the battlefields of our lives, to times of victory, even when we are alone and nothing is going on, we can and should praise him. So don’t worry about how, just do it.

Friday – Psalm 150.6; Psalm 148.1-14
Meditation: If you are alive, this psalm is for you. The life of praise is not just for the mature Christian or even just Christians in general. Everyone on earth should be praising God. This call to praise isn’t about making God feel special or important, it’s simply the truth. There is only one God, only one hope for this world and he deserves our praise and admiration. He deserves our lives.

Saturday – Psalm 150.1-6

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